Monday, April 16, 2012

Treasured Moment

Spring is always an unusually busy time of year for us with all the normal activities of home and farm, plus the renaissance festival activities (jobs) we have.  It’s something that we all enjoy, so we make the time for it and consider the cost in time and time management to be entirely worthwhile. 
Yesterday was one such day, with a busy day and long drive behind us, and all of the family taken care of, dinner in the oven, the animals fed and milked and the water tanks freshly scrubbed and refilled I had a rare moment.  The sun was low in the sky but definitely still springtime bright, and I sat on the steps of the deck petting the dogs as each one came to show me their slobbery love and get scratched behind the ears.  The donkeys and goats and all frolicked in the pasture, trotting around playfully – the goats occasionally turning to rear up and butt each other and alternate who had the job of chasing the other.  The chickens foraged under the big tree by the back fence and squabbled comically.

It came: a moment of perfect peace and happiness.  No one made any demands of anyone else, and the world peacefully absorbed me in gilded in sunshine and green grass and shady spots under the trees.  Even the birds in the woods sang in peaceful harmony, and all was right in the world.  My connection to everything that is was so complete and so fulfilling, the beauty of that moment lingers with me still. 

Never question those moments when they come.  Just absorb them completely and hold that feeling in your heart to draw on whenever  needed. 

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful!!! You really should consider writing a book. I couldn't begin to describe something like that, myself.
