Monday, December 17, 2012

It's Been A While

I really have no excuse beyond simple exhaustion for not writing more lately.  The holiday trees are up, the lights twinkle and the hatchery has shipped us new babies.  We're crossing our fingers that things go much better this time around. 

Hopefully within the next few days I'll be posting pictures of new chicks and finding my inspiration again! 

Friday, December 7, 2012


Due to a series of unfortunate events, it will sometime between the 18th and 20th when our new baby chicks arrive. 

Let's leave it at that.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Soaps and Scents!

ZentopiaAcres is pleased to provide a variety of scents. Availability may be limited, or have a waiting period, so please be sure to check with us before ordering.

Bay Rum
Bug Off (citronella based)
Cedar Lemongrass
Cowboy (leather and campfire)
Eucalyptus Spearmint
Lavender Rosemary
Lime Cookie
Nag Champa
Oatmeal Cookie
Summer Rose
Tahitian Vanilla

*Check back often, since we are always working on creating delightful new soap scents that will provide just the right bath time delight for everyone!

**We can also make sugar scrub cubes out of your favorite soap scents. Not as messy as a traditional sugar scrub in a jar, that needs to be scooped out and just as nourishing!


We have recovered from the slaughter, and the few remaining birds we have left are laying a little better now.

The brightest news is that the baby chicks we ordered have hatched and have been shipped!  Tomorrow morning we should be receiving all 16 of our new babies!  I can't wait to see them, and get them settled in!