Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What a Pace!

This week... no, two weeks are full.  When we scheduled the open house for the 10th, we did not take into account that the week preceeding would be full with registrations for our kids in high school.  We based our timeline on when the babies would be at the right age and stage to have visitors.

Oh... and the kids are now getting to spend the night in their own pen, so we are Back In Milk!  Mama's get milked in the mornings then get to go back in with the babies.  We are trying to do this as naturally as possible while still maintaining our goals! 

Now, back to the regularly scheduled news. :)

We have had a few additional monkey wrenches thrown into the mix.  A flat tire that needed to be repaired.  A gate that needs to be built immediately. Another gate that needs to be repaired.  A fence brace that one of the donkeys broke (today!) to repair.  And a small roof repair to the small outbuilding (which will once again be the chicken coop once the weather cools a bit!) 

With the preparations taking place, we are squeezing this in.  There is still much cooking to do and the floors will need scrubbed and an outdoor table needs to be put up and a dozen or two other major things.  We are working hard at keeping up and seldom stopping before the sun has been long set each night. 

I love the work though.  My arms and shoulders ache, my back hurts, and I wish I had the time to work this hard every single day. 

Now to figure out how to add about 3 hours to each day!

(Chickens at roost well before we came in.)