Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Healthier Days!

I’m back and I feel fantastic, finally!  However, during my absence due to illness (that sounds like a school note, doesn’t it?!) poor Lulu’s fly problem on her legs got out of control and now she has a pretty funky skin infection going on.  We’re cleaning her up daily with a betadyne solution, drying her off, and applying Furazone to her poor infected front legs.  I think it says a lot about your constitution if you can clean scabs and gunk off of your donkeys’ legs, dry her off, spread on a thick layer of antibiotic ointment that is the color of lemon pudding, then consider having dinner!  Anyway, she has no systemic fever – just localized heat, so the washes and Furazone applications should take care of her in a couple of weeks.
Which brings us to dinner… I planned on harvesting some spinach from our little salad garden only to find that the caterpillars got to every single leaf before I did!  It must be time to find new organic gardening solutions for pest control.  (The chickens like the veggies pretty well too, so they can’t help!)
Somewhere in my memory is a concoction of tobasco, egg whites, and water plus something that I can’t remember that apparently worked wonders.  Apparently the something else must be the key, because I’ve never had success with this creation – Texas caterpillars like the heat of tobacco, maybe.  The lunch at work made up for it today: in celebration of Earth Day and in an attempt to enlighten people that healthy food can taste good, it was a Mexican vegan treat!  Nom!
On to bigger, better and brighter things!   Evening projects and oooh more cheese and soap!

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