Monday, October 15, 2012

Autumn Musings

The autumn weather is upon us, and the season is a good one so far but it cannot help to bring to mind the cold weather that is so near.  Every season brings its own chores and delights. 

We always have a never ending supply to To-Do items.  The barn always needs something done, even if it’s just cleaning out and getting ready for yet another season or something more intense like rewiring.  The yard always needs something done, even if it’s just mowing or weed eating.  Raised beds need to be built, and compost needs to be layered in.  The animals should start off the cooler weather with a fresh trim of their hooves and a de-worming early on.  This will allow the girls to enter the cold season sure footed and maintain good health through the season.  We have hay for the season, and want to build a two-sided hay manger just inside the fence for ease of chores. 

I think the chore I am most looking forward to in the next couple of weeks is building the breeding pen, which will become the kids pen in the springtime.  Once again the girls will be visited on their home turf by their new beau, a handsome paint spotted buck.  Gerie and Balvenie’s heat cycles are about a week apart, so that works well for spring kidding, and since papa will not be staying with us the pen will be used for the kids to frolic in once they are off their mamas, but still not big enough to run in the pasture with everyone else. 

More than even the mental image of veggies growing or the fresh soft green of spring foliage, it’s thinking of kidding season and babies frolicking in the spring sunshine that make us all look forward through the cold months to what will be. 


  1. If you don't write a book-- ! You write so beutifully. I think it would be a tragedy if you dont write books. I hope you show pictures of your new babies in the spring.
