Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ducks Alive!

My husband called my office this morning with the strangest note in his voice... maybe half amused and half concerned.  It seems that someone in a related office rescued two domestic ducks that had been unceremoniously dumped at a local park, apparently to fend for themselves (poor babies!).  The pair were afraid of the big open water pond, and didn't really know how to forage, and were oh so willing to be picked up and petted and carried around.  Well, the ladies ended up taking the ducks home and feeding them lettuce and berries for their dinner - and accomodating them in their apartment bathtub!

I applaud them for rescuing these poor creatures, but they certainly couldn't keep them in their bathroom for very long.  Knowing about our farm-y habits, the lead rescuer of these two unfortunates contacted my husband asking for help rather than taking them to a shelter of some sort. 

So - being the softies that we are (and knowing full well how much our middle daughter has always wanted a duck!) we said yes.  They will be delivering the two ducks to our farm this evening wherein I will be taking lots of photos and hoping to make time to post the pictures soon!


  1. How WONDERFUL! And what a beautiful family!

  2. That's awfully sweet of you to say :) The poor things had only eaten some lettuce and blueberries so they were really quite hungry when they arrived.
