Thursday, July 4, 2013

Catching My Breath

It seems like lately every time I have something I just NEED to get down in writing, something comes up and steals the rest of my time for the day.  (Barn / animal work, laundry, pickling cucumbers, cooking, cleaning the trough, checking the mama goats, taking a daughter to drivers ed, and one day to goof off at the zoo with barn and house work on either end of the trip!) 

So since today is a day off from the university, and hubby and I plus two out of three kids are at home and relaxing, this seems like the right time to catch my breath. 

I have to say this with a bit of a laugh, however, as I feel like too much idle time is time wasted.  Maybe it's my Midwest roots showing, but I like to feel like I have accomplished at least something at the end of each day.  Even when it's not a huge thing, I still like to feel like something got done. 

Our Independence Day plans involve keeping an eye on our pregnant goat and waiting for the babies to be born (she is now on the long side of her due date) and I'm catching up on some baking.  Last night it was pie.  Blueberry and Rhubarb to be exact.  Today, bread. 

There will also be gardening, and admiring the gorgeous zucchini blossoms. 

Oh, and probably some mowing as the front lawn looks absolutely frightening right now.  That, at least, will be something I mow the edges of and pass the rest on to my son! 

For now though - another cup of coffee and then another trip to the birthing pen to check on Gerie...  :)  Poor mama is enormous...

 And she has "lost" her ligaments...

Looks like she swallowed a beach ball... or two...

And she is puffy and flashy, with a full bag underneath... 

But as my friend Lyn likes to say... She is a Drah-Mah-Queen!  She likes to fool us and keep us guessing as to when she will finally deliver. 


  1. If I cooked like you do I think I and everyone I know that eats here even once in a while would be morbidly obese. But in all your pictures none of you seem to be that way, so how do you do that?

  2. :) Natural foods and basic math. Though in the day I have a desk job, in the morning and evening we are busy working and doing things around our little farm.

    Suzanne McMinn said it best in her recent blog post "How to Eat Like A Farmer" on Chickens in the Road -

    I agree with everything she said.
