Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An Open House

Preparations are under way.  The girls are ready to start being milked.  There are lotions and soaps to be made... and soon... so soon, cheese to be made!

And just as important... we are soon to host our first open house!  Visitors will get to come out and meet the goats, learn to make soap, and learn about what we do and why we do it. 

So pardon for a little while my limited posts of late (and limited posts in the next week and a half!) 

I'll post pictures and updates about the open house just as soon as I can!


  1. I wish I could come to your open house! Unfortunately, it is impossible since it's so far away, but I know you'll show pictures and tell us all about it, so it will kind of be like I was there. Good luck !
