Monday, May 27, 2013

Catching up

It has been a busy couple of weeks, not leaving much time for writing - and then the stress of the last months and the exposure to who knows what sorts of illnesses all caught up with me and knocked me flat.  I spent a couple of days last week sick at home, then a couple more sick at work, and come Saturday my sweet hubby wouldn't let me lift a finger.  I was exhausted and laid down and napped and read and napped and read.  My fever finally headed the right direction though!

This spring has been really rather fantastic with gorgeous weather, and the perfect amount of rain.  We have had a good mix and even several days when we didn't need to water the garden, and it's still thriving!  Even the young hens are in laying finally!

And Gerie, my sweet pregnant gal, is broad as a barn.  I expect babies on the ground in about 3-4 weeks.  

And of course, boys will be boys.  

The chard is getting so big, as are the carrot tops.

We even have tomatoes coming on, and peppers that look like they will produce soon!  

 We were gifted with a start of Garlic Chives - popular in many Asian dishes.  After a little bit of root shock at the new soil, it's perking up quite nicely!

 Those beans - I still am not sure if I should start over, or continue to give them a chance.  This week, they are perking up and new leaves are appearing.

 And my favorite summer garden produce is coming on like there's no tomorrow.  The zucchini bed is vibrant and gorgeous and sure to fill many a summer meal with its deliciousness!

 And last, but not least, the cucumber are starting to grow like mad.  I need to get their fence in so they have something to climb so they won't choke out the row of basil that shares their bed.  I am still stunned that the basil is coming up from seed so well!  The plant that is in the back yard raised bed (thing) is something we are already harvesting from and using, but all the baby plants that are coming up from seed are just a delight! There shall be pesto, and once we are back in milk there will indeed be basil pesto chevre with sun dried tomatoes and pine nuts! My mouth is watering already!


  1. I am so glad you're better! Your garden is just wonderful. the pictures look almost like the vegetables could be touched. I do so look forward to this. Thank you.

  2. Thanks! I'm beginning to think that the forced idle time in nature while is an incredible blessing in more ways than just the nourishment of our plants.
