It's springtime in our area, and my garlic is planted and already has growth of about four inches above ground. The potatoes are in their box and starting to show a bit of growth. It's time. More than time.
We are ready to get other plants in the ground - and for us that is going to mean sectioning off a small bit of the north pasture so that it's A) readily accessible to water and B) keeps the animals away from the pear trees. (They really did a number on the one near the fence last year - the tree in this post had nearly its entire back side consumed by the donkeys and goats.)
Since the garden will be such a temptation to the animals we are doing this one up proper with all wooden posts across, plus 2x4 no climb wove wire fence, and at least top and bottom wooden rails. They should not be able to get through this at all! Leftover posts and wire will become part of the kidding pens. This is so exciting for us!
Cook, carpenter, gardener , soap maker, mother, I wish I had half of your talant and energy. It is always inspiring to read you, so thank you again for taking the time to write.