I admit that I have been extremely lax in posting anything the past month or more. Between some trauma and much illness, this is my first update since the death of the baby chickens in early December.
On December 19th we received a shipment of live baby chickens! Fifteen hens and one rooster were happily cheeping away in our big corner closet, with a heat lamp on them and some electrolyte enhanced water along with a chick feeder full of chick starter! I, however, had one outrageous fever and a cough that wouldn’t go away. The day before, Tuesday that is, I had gone to work with a fever and come home with a fever of 103. Due to the high stress period at work, I had to go in on Wednesday. I finally conceded to popular concerns and went to the doctor. I had developed bronchitis.
A round of antibiotics, and a week of rest, and I was getting back on my feet. That made me really glad that the university I work at was closed for that entire week!
So I’m back on my feet, and just in time to have surgery in a week. I’ll be out of commission for about 10 days, then once healed expect me to see some posts! This is north Texas, and planting comes early for us. We are building new raised beds for gardening, so February and March should be full of new updates from ZentopiaAcres!
Thanks for the patience while we tended to personal business.
How could you work with being so sick? I don't think I could.