Sunday, July 1, 2012

Farm Therapy

Ever wake up in the moring and you're already on the wrong side of life?  Some days that extra fifteen minutes to "hatch" as a good friend of mine puts it, would make an enormous difference in your outlook on life. 

Today was one such morning, but the puppies were early in their whining to go out. I turned over and nudged my husband hoping he would get up and let them out so I could hatch slowly.  I should have known better, because just turning over I was awake and irritated about it.  We've all been there - don't deny it! 

Skip forward a couple of hours through the morning farm chores of milking and feeding, and loving on the animals.  (That last one sounds like a real chore, right?!)  That's good therapy - and I find myself making the chocolate sauce again for homemade mocha capaccino's and have a batch of gouda cheese started.  My daughters are sleeping in, lucky gals, and my son is helping with everything I ask and a few things without being asked.  I have awesome kids! 

It's hard to hold on to irritation when you have farm therapy.  I'm already trying to figure out what kind of project my teenage son and I can get into today that will be both productive and fun for us. 

Have a beautiful day!


  1. I think we need to buy a farm. What you do as family is what we NEED to do. But reading about it helps, so thank you.

  2. There are tons of things you can do even without buying a farm, though. Any type of gardening is good for people of all ages, and one can almost always find a local farmer only too glad to let some compost go find a new home to help that cause!
