I wonder sometimes if my husband starts to worry when I get a certain look in my eyes, which probably follows time spent outside by myself. I'm rather convinced that there is a certain mania that possesses even the mildest mannered farmer when she, or he, looks out over their fields no matter how small, and envisions all that it could become.
This evening I had such a vision. We had come home from work and let the puppies run, then went to visit one of my husbands new friends who happens to be opening a brewery about 6 miles from the house. (I smell danger here, don't you?!) After a nice little visit with the couple we came home to care for our little farm. The milking was accomplished. The ducks water changed. The eggs gathered. We - ok he - even managed to get some fly spray on Penny who was acting the part of Ms. Super Frisky.
I took a walk through the pasture, which while not enormous is big enough to support the grass needs of our girls and one boy. I probably even looked innocent and peaceful enough out walking around and checking the grasses, and the back fence behind which is a decidedly noticeable coyote trail. There were even several minutes spent reminding Penny how to target on my hand and follow it in order to be rewarded with shoulder and hip scratchings.
Bill was ready and waiting at the gate for me with egg basket and milk in hand. The only thing left to do was fill the big trough, so I told him with a big smile "I'll get this, Honey. Go on in." While the trough filled, I watched the ducks splash and then chase one another and I pet sweet little Chester who was sweet because I wasn't in there with him and in range of him biting my ass again. Stinker.
Alas, the trough was filled and I turned the water off followed closely by Cami and Jackson. The evening was not super hot and sweaty, and it was early enough that the mosquitoes weren't yet rising, so we sat on the edge of the deck together and I looked out over our tiny farm envisioning all sorts of things while the puppies slobbered on me.
I see a new roof on the barn - which is made mostly of recycled materials. (No wait - isn't that now supposed to be called re-purposed materials for the PC crowd?) Maybe a new barn some day - though I am awfully proud of our re-purposed material barn.
And I see cross fencing in the pasture, dividing it nicely so that they cannot wear it down too heavily in any one place.
Oohh, and I see a new duck pen so the ducks can have grass and a better shade shelter. Then over there, I see another tree where that baby tree is struggling to hang on. And over to the north I see a new gate that gives us direct access to the big pasture - or what may (see the hope rising here?) become either the pen for the kids next spring, or perhaps even eventually a buck pen! And within the yard... ohho oh ohhh! The rest of the fort will come down, and there will be a little garden there!
Oh the things that may come!! Yes, that is a farmers mania. For tonight though... I think it's time to revisit my layout of the land and modify it. Again!