Monday, May 7, 2012

All it takes is a little Donkey Frolic!

As people we have known for some time but not seen in recent years become reacquainted with us, and find that we now have a little farm we are often met with remarks along the lines of “That’s a lot of work!” or “Better you than me – that’s a lot of work,” or other things along those lines

I have discovered in recent stressful days (stressful only because of the flurry of activity my graduating high school senior has going on, and one injured donkey) that my down time with the animals is the best therapy.

 Despite the challenges lately – Ms. Lulu tore her legs up pretty badly and has had more than two weeks of daily treatments, culminating tonight in her last antibiotic injection (Say Hooray! here), and a much healthier donkey than two weeks ago – just being out there in the barn and pasture has helped me regain some equanimity. 

This morning, that moment of peace came in taking less than a minute to watch the donkeys play chase in the pasture.  The goats stood on the big tree trunk logs watching with some degree of fascination as Lulu would chase Penny around the pasture at full speed, heads up and oddly enough naturally pacing.  Then Penny would put on the brakes and Lulu would run right past her and wheel around while Penny ran the other direction.  This went on for a while, with them trading off on who was the chaser and the chasee, and just that dose of their joy in life and the ability to run and play before finally settling down to graze in the shade of the big tree out by the back fence was a balm to my frazzled nerves. 

It’s the little things… like a little donkey frolic! 

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