We woke to my phone alarm going off at 5:45 a.m., set as a precaution just in case we should lose power during the night, and listened to the downpour outside. It was still howling down on us, and we struggled to wake up when all we wanted to do was wait it out under the covers. The clock alarm sounded as well, and we knew we couldn't stall any longer.
Just in the middle of the buzzing, a great crack of lighting and long lasting boom of thunder struck and out went the power. No more stalling - "Honey, where is the lighter? I know there's a candle on the armoire."
Candles lit, we dressed hurriedly and conserved as much water as we could in our morning ablutions, then went to light candles in the kids bathroom and their bedrooms. Everyone shaken out of bed, and the hopeful requests of teenagers wishing the power at the school was out (it wasn't), we brought our candles to the kitchen to assess and make a plan. A quick foray of my husband into the attic produced a Coleman lantern from our camping supplies, and he headed to the barn. I couldn't help but smile thinking that it was a step back in time to feed and milk by lantern light.
If only I'd had the time to grab a camera and capture that pretty glow coming from the barn through the shroud of rain in the early dawn... *sigh* By the time he came in, the dogs were fed, the kitchen glowing softly in the candlelight, and a cold breakfast awaited him. Tomorrow, it's my turn.
We managed, though awkwardly, for everyone to be ready and even fed - though only on bread and cold ham, served with a glass of juice - in time to head out the door when the bus came. The girls took their eyeliner with them, and ponytailed it for lack of power to do "Girl Stuff" like fix their hair. My son sighed with exasperation, and shook his head. I didn't have the nerve to tell him I was taking my hair dryer and make up with me to the office to do the same thing!
I rather liked the quiet of the morning though, despite its challenges. It's not a bad thing at all to step back in time and be reminded how peaceful and soft a candle lit morning can be.
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